In the midst of the digital age, clubs seek to attract and obtain more followers in order to strengthen their portfolio of sponsors and boost their income. The best results for partner attraction are obtained by connecting with followers. These are achieved through social media or word of mouth. Social networks allow clubs to maintain two-way feedback with their followers, in addition to attracting new followers.

Therefore, here I show you a list of the best apps that will help you increase the club’s followers and strengthen those you already have.

  • Instagram . It is a social network that is based on uploading videos and photos, here users can interact with other users in various ways. For example, sharing the posts of some accounts with other people, making comments on the posts of the profiles or even sending them direct messages. In addition, the option of being able to transmit live videos with IGTV (Instagram TV) has been recently added where users can directly ask or speak with the protagonists. An example of good marketing on Instagram would be Betis. The club uses this social network to connect with a younger target through content adapted to that age group.
  • Twitter . It is a microblogging service. In other words, upload small text messages with a maximum length of 280 characters. The messages are public and any user can reply to them, so there is a two-way feedback between the followers and the followed.
  • TikTok . This application allows users to create short videos, from about 3 to 15 seconds, and longer ones up to 60 seconds. This application is relatively young and does not have the same development as the previous ones. Its users have a much younger profile, therefore, the clubs through this social network can attract and attract a target that would be impossible through other means.
  • Facebook . Here the clubs can access a more adult target. It is a mix of Twitter with Instagram. That is, they are publications with or without images that you can share with other users. In addition, it has its own courier service. An online chat that other networks do not have, so you can interact with your followers directly.
  • Create your own OTT. More and more clubs are beginning to develop their own app that broadcasts content without the involvement of traditional operators or content distribution. In order to consume such content, they must have a compatible device and an Internet connection. The clubs that do this are to reach a global audience, that is, if Real Madrid has its own OTT, people who download its app to view the content see it from there without having to hire external services.

Visit our post here to learn more about how to attract and attract members for your sports club in the digital age. And don’t hesitate to ask us if you have any questions about how to grow the number of followers.

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