If you have come this far, it is likely that you do not have much experience in sports management and you are wondering what accounting books you need for your sports club. Creating a sports club is not a decision to be taken lightly. You have to think about everything that is necessary for its creation, so that everything is in order and there are no errors. Accounting books are also an important element for your club and should not be overlooked.

Therefore, below we show you what you need, so that you do not have any doubts.

Partner registration book

It is the book that every limited liability company is obliged to have and safeguard, which must include who are the founding partners of the company and the subsequent transfers of social shares.

It is very important to be included in the partner registry book, since in the General Meetings of the company, the Chairman of the meeting will only admit the presence and vote of those who appear as a partner in the partners Registry Book.

The management of the book corresponds to the administrators, who must act in good faith and with neutrality. The first registration must be made ex officio, in accordance with what results from the deed of incorporation or subscription of the registered shares. Successive purchasers must notify the company of their acquisition. Once the transmission is communicated, administrators must immediately register the acquirer.

Minute book

The minute book is an accounting book that collects the information of all the meetings or meetings that take place between the partners of a commercial company during the year.

This must include:

  • Resolutions taken by the General and Special Meetings, and other collegiate bodies of the company.
  • Data relating to the call and the constitution of the body (date, time)
  • Summary of the issues discussed.
  • Number of members who have attended
  • Interventions of which proof has been requested.
  • Agreements adopted.
  • Voting results.

Accounting books

They are those reports obtained from the accounting that help us to extract both financial and economic information about the company. Some important features:

  • They can be mandatory or voluntary
  • The mandatory accounting books are the Daily Book and the Inventory Book and Annual Accounts
  • The volunteers are the General Ledger and other auxiliary books, such as the Cash Book, the Warehouse Entry and Exit Book, the Bank Book or the Auxiliary Book of maturities

Daily Book

In it, all economic operations related to the activity of the company must be collected daily. They must be arranged chronologically. This book is used to keep a record of all the activities and later transfer them to the general ledger.

Inventory Book and Annual Accounts

The Inventory and Annual Accounts book is opened with the detailed initial inventory balance of the company and, at least on a quarterly basis, the balances of sums and balances will be transcribed. The balance-inventory at the end of the year must also be included. (https://steroide24.com/shop/injizierbare-steroide/testosteron/testosteron-cypionate0 It will also include the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of changes in equity, the statement of cash flows (if the company has the obligation to formulate it) and the report.


Ledgers show the same information as the journal, but in a more specific way. In a major we can see the movements that have been made in a specific accounting account, thus having greater control of what has entered and left that particular account.

The procedure should be to record the operations in the journal, and then transfer them to the general ledger. Accounts must appear divided by debits and credits.

Volunteer Registration Book

The volunteer registration book must include the following information: name and surname of the volunteer, ID number, program or action in which they collaborate, date of registration, date of withdrawal, hours dedicated and observations.

Now you know the accounting books you need for your club. Now you just have to get down to work and continue with the management of your club so that everything is in order.

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